Casual Music Reviews

I really enjoy listening to music, especially the discovery process of new music. I put a lot of effort and time into listening to new music, all for the goal of discovering something new which will blow my mind. "Flood" by Boris is one example, where after discovery and many listens, the album catapulted itself into the position of favorite album of all time. For reference, you can find my full list of favorite music at the relevant thought page

I find a lot of joy listening to new and different kinds of music, and it is a mini life goal of mine to spread unique, but not always that good, music around to other people. Although I think I lack the poetry and cultural knowledge to write really extensive music reviews, I've documented my brief thoughts of a wide variety of music in this project page. Note that the date listed is when the music was first reviewed, I may have updated the review since then.

August 27th, 2024: Diles que no me maten Live on KEXP

Genre: Art Rock, Post-Rock
Release Date: April 18th, 2023
My Rating: N/A

Although I usually send albums, this review is of a live performance on KEXP by the Mexican band Diles que no me maten, translated as Tell them not to kill me. The reason for this is that the first song is an improvisation (about 90% sure), the second is a single, and the last two are from different albums. But together they work together amazingly as a kind of greatest hits compilation.

I really hate using this term, but Diles que no me maten seem to fit the exact definition of Art Rock, albeit their own sparse and minimal version of the genre. There's some recognizable rock elements, such as the drums on the second song, but their heavy usage of textures over melodies, extensive reverb, and unusual instruments (Sax, Trumpet, Cello, etc.) give them a truly unique sound in the world of rock.

Furthermore, the vocalist of Diles que no me maten has pretty much the only spoken word style vocal delivery that I've liked in recent memory. That's even in spite of the fact that I speak zero Spanish, so it's solely based upon the sounds, rhythms, and cadence of the vocals. After listening to the whole performance, I would highly recommend you listen to the section from around 10:45 to 13:00, lying/sitting down, eyes closed, and just absorb.


Genre: Drone Metal
Release Date: December 25th, 2003
My Rating: 4.5/5

Boris has been my favorite band of all time for almost a year now, and it's in large part because of their album "Flood". But this review is about my second favorite album of theirs, a legendary Drone Metal album called "Boris at Last -Feedbacker-"

As the album title implies, the primary tool is amplifier feedback, where the sound created by the amplifier is recycled through microphones or guitar pickups multiple times, which tends to compound noise in the electrical signal. Done on accident, this causes the sharp screeching sound you occasionally hear in live music. Done on purpose, the sound becomes hypnotically dense and crushingly loud. Boris truly demonstrate their mastery of this guitar technique on this album, using it to create pulsing and droning sounds you can hear nowhere else

I gave the album a 9/10, with one point taken off solely for Parts 4 and 5. Part 4 in particular I dislike because it sharply swerves into the realm of raw noise for seemingly no purpose. Feel free to also skip Part 5, which serves as a short recap of the main melody before bowing out. But the first three parts are must listen 10/10 music

YT Music:


Genre: Art Pop
Release Date: June 28th, 2024
My Rating: 4/5

A recent release I have really enjoyed listening to this year is "Sentir que no sabes" by Guatemalan cellist and vocalist Mabe Fratti. The primary reason why I love the album so much is that it has a sound I've never really heard before, that of duet for cello and voice (with light drum machine). And the cherry on top is that it has horn and piano accents, two features guaranteed to draw me in.

I cannot stress how much a difference it makes to have a cello instead of a bass. Oftentimes with low bass you don't quite "hear" the sound, rather you physically "feel" the sound, which incidentally is the reason you put subwoofers on the ground on a hard surface. With cello used instead of bass, especially the weirdly atonal cello Mabe Fratti plays, you really hear a deep and woody sound. These features are most prominent on tracks 4 (Oídos) and 8 (Márgen del índice) and I would highly recommend you listen to them first.

YT Music:


Genre: Post-Rock, Modern Classical
Release Date: March 13th, 2000
My Rating: 4/5

In a classic example of pretentious Post-Rock album naming, the debut album from A Silver Mt. Zion is titled "He Has Left Us Alone but Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our Rooms..." The album was written and recorded in dedication to the lead guitarist's dog, who died of cancer while on tour with "Godspeed You! Black Emperor" (perhaps the most famous Post-Rock band of all time).

In classic Godspeed You! style, the album is universally apocalyptic and melancholic. It's music which would be recovered from the wreckage of a planet after nuclear winter, or perhaps fired into space as the last act of our species as we cook alive. Of special note are tracks five (13 Angels Standing Guard 'Round The Side Of Your Bed) and eight (For Wanda). The two tracks elevate the somber atmosphere to the maximum

YT Music:


Genre: Ambient, Drone, Folk
Release Date: 2007
My Rating: 4.5/5

I've been listening to a French duo called Natural Snow Buildings who are famous for releasing insanely long (up to six hours!) albums of Ambient/Folk/Drone music. The length of their music and the genre intersection of Ambient/Drone means listening is incredibly meditative, the kind of music you listen to when lying in bed, eyes closed, doing absolutely nothing. But, I don't want to recommend their music to anyone since listening to a six hour long album is a tough ask, especially when it comes with the caveat of "it gets a lot better after the first two hours"

Fortunately, one of the members of this French duo, Mehdi Ameziane (aka TwinSisterMoon) released what amounts to a short introduction to the music of Natural Snow buildings through a not even one hour long album. "When Stars Glide Through Solid" keeps the musical style of ambient folk without venturing into hypnotically long tracks. I feel like I say this far too much, but this is a (relatively) approachable introduction to a very unique genre of music


If you find you enjoyed this album, I would next recommend "The Winter Ray" by the full Natural Snow Buildings duo. Clocking in at a pretty short 2.5 hours, it is probably my favorite release of theirs due to its perfect capturing of a bleak and harrowing winter night


June 5th, 2024: 37500 Yens - Astero

Genre: Math Rock, Noise Rock
Release Date: June 21st, 2007
My Rating: 4.5/5

"Astero" by 37500 Yens is one of the best Math Rock albums every released. Written and performed by two incredibly obscure French guys, all we know are their first names: Jud on guitar and Frank on drums. Frank is one of the best drummers I've ever heard, somehow able to give structure to a fractal polyrhythmic heaven. Jud is a magician on the guitar, playing what sometimes sounds like three guitars at once through masterful usage of what I assume are looping and delay pedals.

Of particular note are tracks 5 (Canard Boiteux) and 8 (The Sullivan's Quartet) both of which add a little extra on top of guitar and drums. Canard Boiteux features a four minute John Zorn-esque saxaphone freak-out which offers a much needed reprieve from the heavy guitars. The climax on The Sullivan's Quartet features the only vocals on the whole album, in the form of agonizing screams.

"Astero" is truly unique, not just in Math Rock but in all music

YT Music:


May 21st, 2024: Lamp - 恋人へ

Genre: Jazz Pop, Bossa Nova
Release Date: February 11th, 2004
My Rating: 4.5/5

Lamp has some of the most mellow and soothing music to ever grace the face of this planet. Their album "恋人へ" (translated as "For Lovers") is incredibly warm Jazz Pop with hints of Bossa Nova. Imagine you're walking along a Studio Ghibli-esque beachside on a peaceful summer night. Distill that feeling, butter it over silky smooth jazz, and layer mellow vocals on top. Welcome to the world of Lamp

YT Music:


Genre: Spiritual Jazz, Jazz Fusion
Release Date: May 3rd, 2024
My Rating: 4/5

My boy Kamasi Washington, one of the more famous modern Jazz musicians, recently dropped a new album called "Fearless Movement". If you've heard of him but are not sure where, he was a significant but hidden driving force behind "To Pimp a Butterfly" by Kendrick Lamar. The album features genuine Jazz-Rap, excellent spiritual jazz, and features by storied individuals such as Thundercat and George Clinton, as well as a underground yet promising New Age flutist called Andre 3000. "Fearless Movement" and what Kamasi Washington is doing feels like the future of jazz.

YT Music:


Genre: Jazz-Punk
Release Date: May 14th, 2008
My Rating: 4.5/5

One of my favorite albums ever released is a Japanese jazz punk album by Midori titled "あらためまして、はじめまして、ミドリです" (translated as "Nice to meet you again, I'm Midori"). Seriously, do not get baited by the first song, the emphasis for this album is on the PUNK part of jazz punk. Here's someone else's review which I think perfectly encapsulates the music:

"You could go to a jazz bar and be chilling there with a drink in hand, watching the band play some classic numbers, and even though you think they may be playing it too fast, the lovely lady on the mic eases every wrong in your mind. Her voice is cute, almost childish, but the way everything just falls into place is almost unsettling. Then all of a sudden, all hell breaks loose. Literally. The tempo is upped by a good five hundred percent, the band is now playing monstrous riffs and the drummer is beating the shit out of his instrument. The lady has gone berserk, and while howling and screaming into the mic, she now proceeds to bludgeon you to death. The whole aesthetic would make any hardcore act proud."

YT Music:


March 26th, 2024: Boris - Flood

Genre: Post-Rock, Drone
Release Date: December 15th, 2000
My Rating: 5/5

Well, it finally happened, my favorite album of all time, "98.12.28 Otokotachi no Wakare" by Fishmans has been unseated from it's throne.

The new King is a Post-Rock/Drone album titled "Flood" by Boris. While technically a single track spanning 70 minutes, it is divided into four parts titled Flood I through IV. Amazingly for a new favorite album of all time, half of the runtime in Flood I and IV are simply okay. But Flood II and III are the greatest 35 minutes of music I've ever heard. They are so far beyond 10/10 it excuses the middling sounds before and after.

Flood II is the transcendental experience of floating without direction on a vast expanse of water. It begins with a slow and steady drum beat into the warmest and most reverb drenched chords I have ever heard. New ideas are gradually introduced and the section finishes with an incredibly melancholic guitar solo.

Flood III is the destructive power of a tsunami. It turns out the earlier tranquility was simply the water receding before the main wave. A simple theme combined with subtle vocals builds up to an apocalyptic climax. The density of sound and distortion blows out both your speakers and your mind.

Quite simply a masterpiece of Post-Rock.


Genre: Indie Folk
Release Date: January 26th, 2024
My Rating: 4/5

My first notable release of 2024 goes to a very respectable 8/10 Indie Folk album by Tapir! titled "The Pilgrim, Their God and the King of My Decrepit Mountain". Although the album is an 8/10, I found a live recording of three highlights of the album which I'd actually put at a 10/10:

The live recording has pretty much everything I've been enjoying these days. It has a unique voice, muted horns and drums, and instrumentation full of contrast, as much as you can have in a soft and warm Indie Folk recording.

And in case you want to listen to the whole album

YT Music:


Genre: Dungeon Synth
Release Date: 1996
My Rating: 4/5

Depressive Silence [II] by Depressive Silence is anything but depressing. Possibly the best album of the Dungeon Synth genre, this music is both epic and adventurous. This is the instrumental soundtrack to a journey of discovery for forgotten lands, people, and times.

Here's someone else's great one sentence review: "Easily the most perfectly Lovecraftian record I've ever listened to - not because of any direct reference to Lovecraft's works, but because it captures the sense of awe before a majestic nothingness at the heart of his poetics."

YT Music:


February 27th, 2024: Slint - Spiderland

Genre: Post-Rock, Math-Rock
Release Date: March 27th, 1991
My Rating: 4.5/5

Spiderland by Slint is without a doubt THE album which spawned the genres of both Math Rock and Post Rock, being a massive influence on titans such as "Godspeed You! Black Emperor", Mogwai, and (at least I would argue) Swans, among many other bands. Perhaps even more incredible is that the album was recorded over four days in 1990 by a bunch of 20 years olds where all the lyrics were written in studio.

The album is primarily spoken word and screamed vocals over incredibly noisy yet also starkly cold and bleak instrumentals. Everything combines with extreme contrast where a whispered spoken word section builds into an emotional roar and back down again. Of particular note are tracks 4 and 6 on the album, "Washer" and "Good Morning, Captain".

"Washer" is likely the most emotionally crushing song I've ever heard. The lyrics themselves and their delivery is despondent. The guitar melody is melancholic and depressing. Combined with a cathartic moment at the end into a fall down, the song is heartbreaking.

"Good Morning, Captain" is similarly chilling and emotionally draining with an extra dosage of cold and bleak. A fascinating six minutes of simultaneously quiet and loud music builds up to the single most emotional scream in all of music. On the one hand the culmination of the song, on the other hand the finale of the album as a whole. One of my favorite (possibly apocryphal) anecdotes is that the vocalist, Brian McMahan, recorded the last vocals of the song on a whim. When he exited the recording booth, he was soaked in sweat and completely drained. After finishing recording, he checked himself into a mental hospital.

Not quite a 10/10 since track 5 is a little bit of a stinker (relative to the album as a whole), but possibly as close to perfect as you can get, 9.5/10

YT Music:
