Stock Data is an project that collates pricing and IV data into Excel sheets. Data is provided by Quandl using the premium datasets of QOD (US Equity Option Ratings) and EOD (End of Day US Stock Prices). Data is collated over a long term time period of ten years, and short term time periods of one, two, and three months (approximately 20, 40, and 60 trading days respectively).
The full code for the project can be found on GitHub. Due to data licensing restrictions, the full project output is not available to everyone. If the full project output should be available to you and you don't remember how to access it, then contact Eric. If you don't know how to contact Eric, are you sure that you should have access?CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE PROJECT PAGE
I really enjoy listening to music, especially the discovery process of new music. I put a lot of effort and time into listening to new music, all for the goal of discovering something new which will blow my mind. "Flood" by Boris is one example, where after discovery and many listens, the album catapulted itself into the position of favorite album of all time. For reference, you can find my full list of favorite music at the relevant thought page
I find a lot of joy listening to new and different kinds of music, and it is a mini life goal of mine to spread unique, but not always that good, music around to other people. Although I think I lack the poetry and cultural knowledge to write really extensive music reviews, I've documented my brief thoughts of a wide variety of music in this project page.
"The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP) is a comprehensive monograph written by the computer scientist Donald Knuth presenting programming algorithms and their analysis. Volumes 1–5 are intended to represent the central core of computer programming for sequential machines." (Wikipedia)
I purchased the Art of Computer Programming Third Edition Volumes 1-4B on June 16th, 2023. I've not had time to read all that much, but I do have the perhaps unrealistic goal of reading the entire published manuscript. Most of my reading is done at work, a few hours total each week. In case that makes you think I'm slacking off at work, we are allowed to take time for personal learning projects.
In a sign of my ambitious plans, this link will contain my progress on reading, in the form of attempted solutions and answers to all exercises in the books.
As a lover of LaTeX, answers (and all corresponding math) are first typeset in LaTeX. Conversion to a webpage with all the math intact is done by LaTeXML, and a Python script better aligns the style with this website.
UPDATE: As of November 28th, 2022, Heroku no longer offers free servers so the below project page is now offline. Code can still be viewed though in GitHub.
The full application can be found at, and the full code for the project, as well as build instructions, can be found on GitHub. Since the project is hosted on Heroku free tier, the project will take a minute to open when you first click the link.
This project was originally created by me and two other UCSD students for our senior capstone project, with a focus on recommender systems. The world of outdoor rock climbing lacks good recommendation systems, with current methods being word of mouth, guide books limited to specific areas, and most popular. Our goal with OnSight was to create personalized recommendations for experienced rock climbers.
For a more complete description of the methods used, take a look at the About page and the Algorithms page on the project site.
A travel demand model uses travel behavior to predict how travel patterns will change based on specific infrastructure changes. As has been the current trend in the US since at least the early 1900s, travel demand models have primarily focused on how traveling by car changes. However, only recently have we begun to understand the widespread impacts of spending hours every day stuck inside a car. At the very minimum, longer driving time is associated (not correlated but some studies do draw this conclusion) with "higher odds for smoking, insufficient physical activity, short sleep, obesity, and worse physical and mental health" (Ding et al.).
As a result of these various car travel related health impacts, there has been a recent push towards less motorized forms of transportation, including but not limited to walking, biking, micro-mobility, and various forms of public transit. However, as a result of previous history, travel demand models do not accurately capture how non-car transit changes with new infrastructure.
In this project I will develop a transportation demand model in an ethical manner, or at least write out how I would do so. Although not the only ethical issue, a major theme of this project will be my attempts to capture the travel behavior of disadvantaged communities such as children, the elderly, and the poor. Note, I consider them disadvantaged because these groups tend to lack access to personal vehicles and are thus at a disadvantage when our transportation network is built around cars.
This website uses Django with Nginx and Gunicorn, and is hosted on Digital Ocean. Website layout is done using Bootstrap 4. Since you are already on this website, you can see it in action. The code for the website can be found on Github.
The face image was done by a friend of mine who I have unfortunately lost contact with.
I have for as long as I can remember, had an awful memory for things that I have done and things that have happened to me. This project is my attempt to record my history including past, present, and future events.
This project does not take a lot of work, but has been continuously updated since August 22nd, 2022.